I'm a pre-final year student at VIT Vellore, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I am into coding since my school days and only strive to get better at it everyday. Through coding, I would like to bring up new and innovative ideas which are helpful to the outside world.
I always believe in the saying, "Go With The Flow" and everything will automatically fall in place. It has taught me to always look forward into the future while taking valuable lessons from the past and improve upon them. My most favourite hobbies include Travelling, Cricket, Chess and Swimming.
My goal as a Web Developer is to plan and develop software solutions and build web applications that are easy to use and provide great user experience.
My aim as a Machine Learning Engineer is to design algorithms capable of learning and making predictions to automate predictive models for VAs, chatbots, etc.
My objective as a Cyber Security Engineer is to developing and implementing high-tech solutions to defend against hacking, malware, ransomware,etc.
My aim is to become a full stack web developer and using my technical and creative skills build functional websites to ensure the content, graphics, and navigation provide a positive user experience. I have also explored the fields of AI & ML in detail and would like to use my analytical, statistical, and programming skills to build tools that could automate certain processes. Parallelly, I would also like to contribute to various related projects and gain knowledge in several other domains along the way.
Tic tac toe is a multiplayer game and the players of this game have to position their marks(sign) so that they can construct a continuous line of three cells or boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. An opponent can stop a win by blocking the end of the opponent’s line. There is a selection box with the game title and two buttons which are labeled as “Player(X)” and “Player(O)”.
In this, there are 3 layers or boxes, and these boxes are shown one by one on a particular button click. At first, on the webpage, there is shown a button labeled as “Start Quiz” and when you click it, the info box appears with pop-up animation. If the user selected option is correct, the selected option color, background color changes to green and red if wrong.
This Website helps me organize my work in one place - even if that work spans different disciplines. It helps me display my skills,interests and projects in a robust and visual way. It acts as a convenient way for others to view my work while also allowing me to expand on my skills. All experiences gathered together in one place. In a nutshell, 'Everything under one roof!'.
This paper presents a survey of algorithms used to create deepfakes and, more importantly, methods proposed to detect deepfakes in the literature to date. It also focuses on providing a comprehensive study for deepfake detection using deep-learning methods such as RNN,CNN & LSTM.
Tic tac toe is a multiplayer game and the players of this game have to position their marks(sign) so that they can construct a continuous line of three cells or boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. An opponent can stop a win by blocking the end of the opponent’s line. There is a selection box with the game title and two buttons which are labeled as “Player(X)” and “Player(O)”.
In this, there are 3 layers or boxes, and these boxes are shown one by one on a particular button click. At first, on the webpage, there is shown a button labeled as “Start Quiz” and when you click it, the info box appears with pop-up animation. If the user selected option is correct, the selected option color, background color changes to green and red if wrong.
This Website helps me organize my work in one place - even if that work spans different disciplines. It helps me display my skills,interests and projects in a robust and visual way. It acts as a convenient way for others to view my work while also allowing me to expand on my skills. All experiences gathered together in one place. In a nutshell, 'Everything under one roof!'.
This paper presents a survey of algorithms used to create deepfakes and, more importantly, methods proposed to detect deepfakes in the literature to date. It also focuses on providing a comprehensive study for deepfake detection using deep-learning methods such as RNN,CNN & LSTM.
Tic tac toe is a multiplayer game and the players of this game have to position their marks(sign) so that they can construct a continuous line of three cells or boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. An opponent can stop a win by blocking the end of the opponent’s line. There is a selection box with the game title and two buttons which are labeled as “Player(X)” and “Player(O)”.